Dialogue on the Future of Europe's Countryside: Sustainable Land Use, Hunting and Nature Conservation.
10 September 2024, 18:30 – 19:30
EP Member’s Salon, Spinelli Building (ground floor)
European Parliament, Brussels
Hosted by MEP Juan Ignacio Zoido
Organised in conjunction with
FACE - European Federation for Hunting and Conservation
ELO – European Landowners’ Organization
Juan Ignacio Zoido MEP
Introductory remarks
Jurgen Tack, ELO Secretary general
Torbjörn Larsson, FACE President
Open Floor for MEPs' Interventions
Open discussion and expressions of support for the re-establishment of the "Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside" Intergroup.
Sign up for the Intergroup
MEPs are invited to sign up for Intergroup membership.
We are pleased to invite you to an open dialogue on the re-establishment of the “Biodiversity, Hunting, and Countryside” Intergroup. We extend an invitation to Members of the European Parliament and key stakeholders to participate in a discussion addressing the pressing challenges and priorities for the 2024-2029 parliamentary term.
This event aims to promote cross-party political collaboration on critical issues such as nature conservation, wildlife management, sustainable hunting and land use.